Thursday, June 04, 2009

This is Mischief, the gray stripped puffball lying next to Chelsea on the couch. We lost her for a bit last night as she is so small and can fit under the strangest things. Amazingly our other cat, bottom, found her. We call him Moose. She eats well and is very playful. Catbox use is good. Overall I am happy so far with how well she seems to be doing.

Chelsea hates her picture taken. That is because my oldest ran around and took pictures of everyone last Christmas(07) with a digital camera she got from her grandmother. Not once or twice, but it seems like a million times. So Chelsea is looking away.
This is Moose... To the left
This is Abby, fathead...Below

Yesterday, a friend and I got together and played a couple games of Chess. Well I got beat soundly as I usually do. But He gave me a lot of insight on how I do things and hopefully I retain that information as I was exhausted from not sleeping.

To top my day off, I received a call from Hunter's school, she's at it again. Not really much I can do, I am tired of the bullshit. I am tired of Therapy, cause it hasn't helped. Hospitalization is not a great idea this close to the end of the school year cause she will screw up her finals. I am just tired of dealing with the same stuff every day. I am tired of being ignored, lied to, mouthed off at, yelled at; as she did last night. I am tired of being the bad guy. I want to enjoy being a parent but I can't. I have to be the corrections officer. It truly sucks. We are all at our wits end. My mother brought up the fact that we could do a planned hospitalization. But the therapist has to initiate it. Perhaps that is how she will spend most of her summer. Unfortunately it has to be long term, because Hunter has a great honeymoon period. About 2 and 1/2 weeks, so the doctors think I am full of crap. Then they release her and we start all over again. I am sure that if this doesn't improve my daughter will end up in care of the state.

On the other hand, Ashley is student of the month in her class. I am so proud of her. It really hurts to not be able to make a big deal of this with Ashley because of the crap that goes on with Hunter. I am certain I am going to praise Ashley for a great accomplishment. I am just not sure how. Well I am off, other blogs to read and things to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back at this! Hope to read more soon.