Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday July 28, 2 whole weeks...

Today was the day that all the animals in the house got a bath. This was the pups second bath, first one was last week. The pups have certainly gotten bigger. Last week they fit in the kitchen sink. This week, It was a struggle. Abby was pretty stressed out with the whole situation. I really don't understand why, this is the pup that stands in the water dish and splashes water everywhere. Bath #1 wasn't bad either. So Maybe it is part of her personality. Chelsea on the other hand, stood there like a statue. When she got down from being dried on the counter she ran over to her sister and shook all over her as if to say "ha, you big sissy".

The house breaking is going great. Shedule, Schedule, Schedule!!!! Almost there, the pups go to the door and whine. They also have nosed their way out a couple times to go. It is getting easier to recognize when they truly have to go.

We finally got their papers back. I was getting worried that the names were not going to be accepted by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Trying to find out how to start a regional club with AKC as there is not a local Lab club. I figure that there are many Lab owners in my area with Purebreds and there is not really the option of showing our dogs without a local club.

I feel that Chelsea is going to be my show dog. She posts well. Post is the stance when the judges look over the dog. She will let you look in her mouth, move her ears around and check her out. Abby needs a little help in that department. Abby is my baby, she will lay in your arms and cuddle like a baby. She is getting a bit lazy and sometimes I wonder if she is not a bit fat, She LOVES her food. We have been adding fish oil to their diet as they have dry skin. Typical with Labs. Their fur is soft and shiny. well I am off for the evening, going to spend some quality time with the dogs as my cats are very mad for having been degraded by taking a bath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss- cant wait to meet the dogs. Sounds like things are on target. How are the cats with them? Hope things continue well.