Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just a rant, warning not for the faint of heart, nor those that get ill easily

Well, I am cleaning apartments that have been vacated, either by evicted tenants or tenants that choose to move for whatever reason. I totally understand why landlords are worried about the tenants that might move in.

The apartment that I am cleaning out is local to me. It is an upstairs apartment and the tenants had lived there for about 5 years, as I was told. Well there must be five years of grease on the walls. The kitchen was absolutely disgusting. As the tenants had left stuff behind in the cupboards, I had to clean them out along with 5 years of mouse crap. Now in this cabinet, I found baby nipples and bottles, some with mouse crap in them. Talk about friggin' gross. These people took sugared drink mix and dumped it on the counters then added just enough water to make it like a paste and left it there. The white stove which was relatively new was covered in grease and burnt on stuff. It was also covered in Mouse crap. When I started cleaning it was black, now it is back to the original white again. The tenants left food in the refrigerator and the power was turned off. That was nasty. The mold is like 1/2 an inch thick. I have finally started cleaning that, one part at a time.

There is a room off of the living room that the tenants must have left dogs in or perhaps their baby was left with a full diaper all the time. The room is nasty and the carpet has to be removed. The door to that room was finger painted with feces. Yup, you read that right. FECAL MATTER. Now, that's fucking disgusting. I don't think I need to go into detail about the bathroom, just know that instead of cleaning the toilet, it will be replaced. I am surprised that it was so dirty considering the feces in that other room.

There is something seriously wrong with these people. Even worse is the fact that they work for an Ambulance Service. UMMMM, I got issues and I am glad that neither me nor my family won't need an ambulance ride in that town.

Now, I understand that some people lose control and get cluttered. Disorganization is one thing, Little stuff laying around, papers that need to be thrown away and such. I have that bad habit, but I clean stuff up every couple weeks. These tenants were absolutely gross. Hopefully the landlord thoroughly checks out the next tenants and makes sure they are clean. If he doesn't I am sure I will be back again.

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