I have one hell of a headache this evening, it came on about 10 pm and it hasn't let up. I have taken something for it and it still hasn't relaxed. I am in a severe amount of pain and the pressure behind my right eye is immense, to the point where my vision is blurry. So instead of sleeping, I am sitting in front of a computer in the dark waiting for medication to kick this sucker out of my head. Not such a great idea.
Well summer is almost to an end for the girls. I couldn't be happier. I am tired of playing referee. They are both getting excited about going back to school. New school clothes will do that. I am feeling old as Hunter starts high school this year. Four more years and its off to college. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday she started school. Ashley is going into sixth grade this year. I am not sure how I feel about it yet.
My best friend has a daughter leaving for college this weekend. I know he is feeling old and getting ready to deal with the dreaded Empty nest syndrome, Dude have a party! LOL
The top part of the cabinet hit stained stage today. Woohoo. I am working on stripping the paint off of the latches and hinges, as I type actually. They are sitting in stripper. Hopefully tomorrow when I feel strong enough to go outside, they will be ready to be washed down and polished up. Then I get to reattach the doors including the roll up door. The cabinet will go on the wall sometime this weekend. Have to find studs in the wall that I want to hang it on. Because the base is not even close to being done, its barely started. I am proud of the work that I did on it and hopefully the base will be able to be saved. I may not get to it until next summer, I guess it depends on how much energy I get after the kids go back to school. I want to go back to working on the woodwork in the dining room as I would like to have that finished by the time Holidays come around. I put it off as summer came around because it would just be too hot for me working on it. I just realized that I have lots of storage in my kitchen. A bonus since my kitchen isn't all that large. Its a good size but the cabinets are extremely high and I need a step stool to get into the upper reaches of the cupboards. I am really not that short either. 5'4" last time I looked. Well I am not really tall either. I was thinking about making the upper cabinets into display shelves by taking the doors off them then I can put my cat collection in those shelves. I wanted to redo the kitchen with this country kitties pattern I found anyway, so maybe that is what I will do. Too many things I want to do, so little money. Ahh well. At least I have learned how to do things on my own.
I really need to make myself sit down and work on cross-stitch pieces. I have two started right now that have been waiting for my attention. Hunters stocking and a tree skirt that I started a long time ago. I also have some felt Christmas ornaments for my mother that need to be finished and a snowman painting that needs to be finished. All these projects that need to be worked on. I have a bad habit of moving from one thing to another. I guess I get bored pretty easily.
Its been about 40 minutes since I took some medication and I am still throbbing. This is going to be a major headache. I was getting nauseous and now that I think about it, its still there. I hate migraines, they are getting worse as I get older. They are not as frequent but they are so much more painful. The worse thing about them is getting them. I can't move my head with out pain. Blinking even hurts. sitting here in front of dreaded computer screen is not the best idea either. Sound hurts. Light hurts. Moving hurts. Being Nauseous is well, ewww. I guess its a good thing that it hit at night this time. No arguing girls at this time of the morning. I have a feeling that I am in for a long haul this time around. Tramadol isn't even touching this and I took 2. Only supposed to take one. I am thinking about taking another but that would upset my stomach even more. So I guess I am going to go crawl back into bed and see if I can shut my eyes to the pain. I swear if the phone rings in the morning, I am going to throw it out the window.