I went back to work and have been working about 2 weeks, I like what I am doing so far. Its not hard and the woman in question is very easy to get along with. My husband and I are looking into a Hyundai santa fe, used of course, but new to us. We loved our other Hyundai. We will see. Of course the woman I work for owns the SUV and is looking to get rid of it. We are getting caught up and school clothes first.
I feel much better about our situation now. I am not so depressed, because there is a finally a break in the clouds. Its just been so hard lately, and with everything that was going on, including the kid stuff, I really sunk into my depression. I am slowly climbing out.
This week is Hunter's eighth grade graduation ceremony. I am hoping it doesn't rain. Rain will limit the amount of people that can attend and Hunter has an extended family that is driving a long way to see her graduate, OMG they have begun participating in her life, I think I might fall over. Kinda funny it took this long. We will see how long it lasts. I am sure my daughter who hates me more that she loves me, will start asking to live with them. That ought to be an interesting discussion. Already, the answer is NO!
Ashley is doing well and looking forward to the summer. She just wants to play after she gets home from school and it is really hard with the longer days. Because she needs to get her sleep. We have started listing ideas for things to do this summer which will be much easier with an income. Maybe we will get to the state fair after all. I will live for the weekends and the time spent with my family as I will now be able to enjoy instead of dreading.
I am truly feeling better and glad I am finally earning a wage. I will shed all those issues. HOORAY!
Until Next time...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Life will improve...
Well I got a job. Hooray! Its only PT. But it is a foot in the door. I am no longer worrying about school clothes for the kids and I will be able to pay my bills. I am so happy. Now if I can get the Doctor's office to send the damn physical to the HR dept. I will be happier. So things are beginning to look better, as I said life will improve.
Well, I am off.
Well, I am off.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summer's coming
Well I have not been busy, lazy, but not busy. I had gotten stuck playing a game last week and finally beat it by Sunday morning. My downfall happens to be RPGs. So I really didn't accomplish a thing this week. Actually I did accomplish something. I got two desks for free and painted one of them. I use the big one for my computer and the smaller one is being used to store spare computer parts and is used when I paint. Then I organized some of the stuff I have in my space I use for my office. So I guess I accomplished more than I thought.
The kids are getting excited as school is coming to an end. Ashley is set to go on her 5th grade field trip. Hopefully the rain will stay away. It has been raining every two days it seems and there is always the daily threat of a passing shower. Hunter is not as happy that school is coming to an end. She actually likes to be at school. She has the grades, minus the D in social studies, but she has assured me that has come up to a B. We will see. She is going to be a freshman in HS next year. She has confided to me that she would like to go to summer school, not because she has to, but because it would keep her occupied. Unfortunately, I can't afford to send her. We, the school and I are trying to get her more involved. She loves to write, so we are going to be looking at the school newspaper and yearbook staff. She has the vocabulary, prose and spelling covered. I am concerned though that she takes her ideas from others work. I have explained to her that it is plagerism and I am trying to guide her to work through her own brainstorms with free writing, -thank you Ms. House, college English professor. I have a feeling that Hunter will be at the library more than she will be at home. At least by living in the area, she can ride her bike there.
So with one week left to go before school is over for the summer, I am stuck finding ideas of things we can do on a budget. We have a bike trail really close to the house and there is a nature trail behind the local school so I have a feeling we will spend some time on those. We will be taking the kids fishing a couple times as my husband and I both enjoy that. I figured we would also plan to go to one of the county fairs. I would love to take them to the State Fair again, but you really need to have the cash and I don't think my budget can really afford it. Fourth of July we will do the local fireworks. I thought about a couple days at the beach. Just looking for cheap or free things to do that are local.
Well I am off to get Ashley going for her day. I truly hate mondays. They seem to be the worst when getting kids up. Until next time...
The kids are getting excited as school is coming to an end. Ashley is set to go on her 5th grade field trip. Hopefully the rain will stay away. It has been raining every two days it seems and there is always the daily threat of a passing shower. Hunter is not as happy that school is coming to an end. She actually likes to be at school. She has the grades, minus the D in social studies, but she has assured me that has come up to a B. We will see. She is going to be a freshman in HS next year. She has confided to me that she would like to go to summer school, not because she has to, but because it would keep her occupied. Unfortunately, I can't afford to send her. We, the school and I are trying to get her more involved. She loves to write, so we are going to be looking at the school newspaper and yearbook staff. She has the vocabulary, prose and spelling covered. I am concerned though that she takes her ideas from others work. I have explained to her that it is plagerism and I am trying to guide her to work through her own brainstorms with free writing, -thank you Ms. House, college English professor. I have a feeling that Hunter will be at the library more than she will be at home. At least by living in the area, she can ride her bike there.
So with one week left to go before school is over for the summer, I am stuck finding ideas of things we can do on a budget. We have a bike trail really close to the house and there is a nature trail behind the local school so I have a feeling we will spend some time on those. We will be taking the kids fishing a couple times as my husband and I both enjoy that. I figured we would also plan to go to one of the county fairs. I would love to take them to the State Fair again, but you really need to have the cash and I don't think my budget can really afford it. Fourth of July we will do the local fireworks. I thought about a couple days at the beach. Just looking for cheap or free things to do that are local.
Well I am off to get Ashley going for her day. I truly hate mondays. They seem to be the worst when getting kids up. Until next time...
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Chelsea hates her picture taken. That is because my oldest ran around and took pictures of everyone last Christmas(07) with a digital camera she got from her grandmother. Not once or twice, but it seems like a million times. So Chelsea is looking away.

This is Abby, fathead...Below
Yesterday, a friend and I got together and played a couple games of Chess. Well I got beat soundly as I usually do. But He gave me a lot of insight on how I do things and hopefully I retain that information as I was exhausted from not sleeping.
To top my day off, I received a call from Hunter's school, she's at it again. Not really much I can do, I am tired of the bullshit. I am tired of Therapy, cause it hasn't helped. Hospitalization is not a great idea this close to the end of the school year cause she will screw up her finals. I am just tired of dealing with the same stuff every day. I am tired of being ignored, lied to, mouthed off at, yelled at; as she did last night. I am tired of being the bad guy. I want to enjoy being a parent but I can't. I have to be the corrections officer. It truly sucks. We are all at our wits end. My mother brought up the fact that we could do a planned hospitalization. But the therapist has to initiate it. Perhaps that is how she will spend most of her summer. Unfortunately it has to be long term, because Hunter has a great honeymoon period. About 2 and 1/2 weeks, so the doctors think I am full of crap. Then they release her and we start all over again. I am sure that if this doesn't improve my daughter will end up in care of the state.
On the other hand, Ashley is student of the month in her class. I am so proud of her. It really hurts to not be able to make a big deal of this with Ashley because of the crap that goes on with Hunter. I am certain I am going to praise Ashley for a great accomplishment. I am just not sure how. Well I am off, other blogs to read and things to do.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Well, here I am my morning has begun already and its barely 3 am. I can't sleep again, Let me rephrase, I went to sleep but I woke up and instead of tossing and turning for the next 3+ hours I am up and making coffee. I haven't posted here in a long time.
We have a new addition to our family. I will post pictures of her later. She is just a little fluff ball. We still haven't figured out a name for her. But she is definitely spunky. Stands up to three year old chocolate labs like she is much bigger. She fits in the palm of your hand and can curl up on a shoulder. I probably shouldn't have, but after losing two cats within 6 months of each other, it was a little easier to do. Ashley had been asking about a cat for some time. And my older cat, had been acting strange lately, we think he was lonely. I needed another cat like I need a hole in my head, but maybe I will become the hero. Ahh who knows! She is so cute. Gray little puffball. Maybe I just needed something that wants me to take care of it. I am not having anymore children, that boat has sailed. After having two children with some type of disability, I think the chance to have another with a disability is too great a risk. Besides we really can't afford a child. So we got a kitten. She needs a name. I need sleep.
This blog was originally for the pups, which are now adult labs. Each with a personality of their own. Abigail is the dominant female and takes charge, while Chelsea is very docile. We call her Chicken Little some days. They are both very well behaved and do not chew. Abby tends to be the hyper one and repeatedly sniffs everyone who walks in the door. Sometimes we have a hard time separating her from the milk man as he comes every Monday and says good morning just to her. We have a food delivery guy who brings treats for them when he visits, he brings the good treats from the vets office, so Abby makes sure to love him up. Abby is still a jumper, something about her, we can't get her to stop, no matter how much we try. Eventually one day we will figure it out.
Usually the dogs sleep on the couch when I get up this early, but this morning because of the new addition, they are posted in the dining room. The kitten is exploring the kitchen, it appears that she has explored the bottom half of the house and will be exploring the top half soon. Abby is trying to be a mother. Chelsea is still unsure. My fixed male Persian is trying to figure her out, but is making friends with her. He hasn't hissed or swatted her. I take that back, he just hissed and Abby is right there to diffuse the situation. She is hissing at him now. I am sure the next few days will be that of adjustment.
I picked up the kitten after the kids had gone to bed. When Ashley came down to get a drink, I had the kitten in the cat box and was blocking the view. Ashely said " What do you got, Mom?" Then came over and looked and didn't see the fuzzball at first, then looked again and got all excited. All the questions came, the typical when, where, what questions. We have to name her. So that will be my chore during the day to name the kitten. I must be crazy.
I will have to post updated pictures of the dogs and that will come soon, maybe I can get one with the new kitten with the dogs, in a couple of days I think. Well off to surf the net and read all the news that happened the last 4 hours. By the way its Stanley Cup Playoff time again, Detroit and Pitt. Detroit leads the series 2-1, lost the game last night at Pitt. Go Redwings!
We have a new addition to our family. I will post pictures of her later. She is just a little fluff ball. We still haven't figured out a name for her. But she is definitely spunky. Stands up to three year old chocolate labs like she is much bigger. She fits in the palm of your hand and can curl up on a shoulder. I probably shouldn't have, but after losing two cats within 6 months of each other, it was a little easier to do. Ashley had been asking about a cat for some time. And my older cat, had been acting strange lately, we think he was lonely. I needed another cat like I need a hole in my head, but maybe I will become the hero. Ahh who knows! She is so cute. Gray little puffball. Maybe I just needed something that wants me to take care of it. I am not having anymore children, that boat has sailed. After having two children with some type of disability, I think the chance to have another with a disability is too great a risk. Besides we really can't afford a child. So we got a kitten. She needs a name. I need sleep.
This blog was originally for the pups, which are now adult labs. Each with a personality of their own. Abigail is the dominant female and takes charge, while Chelsea is very docile. We call her Chicken Little some days. They are both very well behaved and do not chew. Abby tends to be the hyper one and repeatedly sniffs everyone who walks in the door. Sometimes we have a hard time separating her from the milk man as he comes every Monday and says good morning just to her. We have a food delivery guy who brings treats for them when he visits, he brings the good treats from the vets office, so Abby makes sure to love him up. Abby is still a jumper, something about her, we can't get her to stop, no matter how much we try. Eventually one day we will figure it out.
Usually the dogs sleep on the couch when I get up this early, but this morning because of the new addition, they are posted in the dining room. The kitten is exploring the kitchen, it appears that she has explored the bottom half of the house and will be exploring the top half soon. Abby is trying to be a mother. Chelsea is still unsure. My fixed male Persian is trying to figure her out, but is making friends with her. He hasn't hissed or swatted her. I take that back, he just hissed and Abby is right there to diffuse the situation. She is hissing at him now. I am sure the next few days will be that of adjustment.
I picked up the kitten after the kids had gone to bed. When Ashley came down to get a drink, I had the kitten in the cat box and was blocking the view. Ashely said " What do you got, Mom?" Then came over and looked and didn't see the fuzzball at first, then looked again and got all excited. All the questions came, the typical when, where, what questions. We have to name her. So that will be my chore during the day to name the kitten. I must be crazy.
I will have to post updated pictures of the dogs and that will come soon, maybe I can get one with the new kitten with the dogs, in a couple of days I think. Well off to surf the net and read all the news that happened the last 4 hours. By the way its Stanley Cup Playoff time again, Detroit and Pitt. Detroit leads the series 2-1, lost the game last night at Pitt. Go Redwings!
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